Deanna told me as we began the reading that she felt she was ready for a new relationship in her life. Here are a few notes I took: -M ale in 12 th Century in the Middle East, Name: Jamal -From a very wealthy family -At the age of 12, he decided to become a Monk/Holy man and travelled to the temple/mosque to train with a Spiritual Leader. Takes a vow of celibacy at this time. -At 16, his Spiritual Leader dies and he is sent back home to his village, parents and 3 sisters. -He quickly learns his father’s business (some type of precious metals, spices, etc) and is kind of a math genius. His father learns to lean on him and he runs the business, as his sisters marry and leave home. -There is a girl who his parents want him to marry and he is “not interested.” (The exact words I heard.) He refuses to marry. -At 25, his father dies suddenly and he lives out his days running the business, taking care of his mother for...