When BC contacted me, I immediately thought of a process developed by a friend of mine a few years ago that includes a deck of Soul Mate cards where you review and heal up to 5 relationships. We scheduled her session and as we began, she could to see how her relationship with her father and her grandfather set the stage for the love relationships to come throughout her life. Her father really challenged her to make better decisions later on and her grandfather challenged her to examine her religious beliefs. Then, her First Love taught her so much about life and provided a type of training for life. Another Soul Mate represented a real “union of 2 souls” and taught her about boundaries and honored her art. Finally, one of her guides came in and she got a very clear message that he was preparing the way for a new love in her life. He has helped her integrate all of the “splintered parts” of herself, so she can move on. When I asked BC to share what she learned from ...