Dear Birthday Girl,

Here are the cards I drew and the message I received:

King of Swords from Light Seer’s Tarot.

I get that this is a time to reflect. (With Mercury Rx, reflect, review and re-organize!) Mind, heart and action need to be in alignment before moving forward. Passionate thinking now supports plans for the future.  Meditation would be good.  Time alone and journaling, also.

Strength – VIII

You are stronger than you know.  That strength, real strength and courage is already inside you.  Lean into this strength for whatever extra energy you need for the coming year.

Star –XVII

Hope and keeping the faith is really important for you right now. A renewed sense of soul-purpose, healing after disappointment and knowing you are on the right path

You can also investigate each of the 8’s in the Minor Arcana for additional support. 

See the journal pages that Chris-Anne (the deck creator) provides and use her prompts for more personal information for you.  I’m sending those 3 pages to you now.

Happy Birthday!


She wrote back to me saying:

“Looking at just the cards, it is a story of where my energy has been. King of swords - alone in turbulent waters. If not alone, feeling alone. Strength - Digging deep for that strength and courage to stay in the boat in the turbulent waters. The Star - Remembering that ability to pull the energy through me and release energy. Allow the energy to be cleansed and recharged - fill up with that moon star energy, as well. 

Thanks, PJ!

What a great summary of the cards on this special day . . . the day that the Earth makes it back around to the place in the sky where she was born.  I love it when the person can tell me what the reading meant to her.  When you put the message into your own words, I know you’ve got it and are ready to put the information into action!

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