This woman contacted me for another reading, this time for intuitive guidance about her future, which I learned also included her daughter.  I did a simple tarot spread for her and we zeroed in on her heart goal of selling real estate with her daughter.  By sharing what her guides and angels were saying about her goals, I quickly confirmed that she had a “Green Light” for moving forward. She also said she had been studying for the Texas Real Estate Test.  Her guides said to study for about 3 more weeks and then sit for the test.

I suggested that she study and envision herself passing and working with her daughter and utilizing her license in whatever way feels best-- whatever makes her heart sing.

I also shared that it would be beneficial for her to sit quietly at least 3 days in a row this week and take "heart notes" on what you really want. Consider this next chapter is a blank slate and ask yourself what you really want to do.  Use that “Living Vision” form I gave you last year and revise and tweak it to make it up to date and to match your "heart notes." Say:

"I dedicate myself to what I believe in. What's best for me."

and then write it up in present tense and positive words. Make your plans for this next chapter.

Another suggestion from her guides and angels: “Take a class or classes in some subjects or topics that make your heart sing. You mentioned color and I heard interior design. You also mentioned those Master Classes. Select some and focus on those. This gives you a purpose, while you are waiting for the next steps to fall into place. Enjoy the journey, rather than putting all of your hopes and dreams on tomorrow. Enjoy the now.”

Then, the idea of Death and Rebirth came up. I asked her, “What about your current life has to die, in order for the new LH to be reborn?” This is more work for your "heart notes." Spend the time and get to know yourself better.

The other thing I heard more than once, and this was echoed in the Oracle Card I pulled for LH entitled "Serendipity,'' was the suggestion to “be open to synchronicities as you and your daughter step out in this new venture. Ask, take a step, look for signs and signals and move forward. One step at a time will get you where you want to go.”

Would you like to ask YOUR angels and guides about a pressing matter?   Visit my website at and click on Services to schedule your session with me.



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